
Understanding The Big Question What Is Lead Generation

The biggest issue that new marketers encounter is the question, "What is lead generation?" The reason they are frustrated with their business is the lack of understanding the big picture. Once you see how everything fits together, you will begin to realize the importance of each marketing method you take on. Allow me to paint a picture for you. Visualize all your marketing techniques. This could be social media, article marketing, video marketing, pay-per-click, or classifieds. Whatever marketing method you want, imagine a largefunnel that collects all your leads. Let's say you have two or three marketing methods. This doesn't mean add on more funnels, but rather a bigger funnel. This funnel collects all leads from every marketing method you use and focuses them into one area; your lead capture page.What is a lead capture page? A lead capture page is a page that give a prospect the opportunity to fill out personal information. Once the contact information is complete, they become a lead and are open to a sale. Usually, marketers use a replicated site to capture leads which can seem very impersonal. These pages advertise the company and not the marketer. The prospect is usually turned off by the capture page because the marketer has only delivered a sales pitch. How do you make your capture page more personal? The answer is to customize your page and put your face on it. Making a video to tell the prospect who you are and make yourself unique from the thousands of affiliates advertising the same company can make a huge difference in attracting leads.After you have captured your lead, you have to be able to nurture a relationship with that led lights lead. Many times, marketers see a lead as money at the table. To an extent, that's true but leads can always sense when you're counting money at the table. Never hold back from sharing value with your lead. The most efficient method is an autoresponder.An autoresponder is a system that allows you to send automated e-mails to all of your leads at scheduled periods. There is no way to grow your business if you're sending one hundred different e-mails a day. By writing a number of e-mails that are sent to your leads, you Motorcycle Apparel will be able to communicate any information in a short period of time. Remember, there are many ways to market but only one sales funnel that captures all of your leads. The more marketing techniques you use, the bigger the funnel. Implementing a customized page increases your chances of a lead, because it separates you from the thousands of marketers pitching the same business opportunity. Once you have your leads, you must develop a relationship with them in order to make a possible sale in the future. Finally, use a set of valuable e-mails that will give your leads value and have the option to a sale and you will be able to grow your business quickly and efficiently.

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